April 2021 Sandy Aaronson

Cataclysm - Sandy Aaronson photo 1_1920.JPG

Have you ever been mesmerized by a great book or musical score?  I get the same response when I see a ray of light transmitted through a flower petal in my garden or the way it plays along the back of an old cat sleeping in a sunny window.  Color has intrigued me in many ways, since childhood, when I learned to embroider and knit.  I soon moved on to pastels and paints.  I used color collaborations in jewelry, utilizing gemstones and sometimes hand-blown glass.  I observed the works of the great masters and became inspired by some wonderful instructors along the way.

Coffee Shop-Sandy Aaronson photo 3_1530.JPG

Which brings me to the present  I am still on my journey of the explorations of light and the interplay of delicious colors around us.  I am inspired by the Hubble telescope pictures and the "what happens if I use this color" methodology.  Sometimes I strive for a more subtle, reflective viewpoimnt of everyday places and things.  Other times I go crazy trying to capture a brief interplay of shadows when the sun comes out after a rain.  I am ever challenged to attempt to show you, the viewer, a small corner of that world on canvas or paper.  So let us begin on our humble journey...........and may you find a small glimmer of the joy this searching brings to me.

First Song of Spring-Sandy Aaronson photo 2_1480.JPG

PS I have been asked about my use of the name Upchurch.  I use it to honor my maternal grandmother who was a homesteader near Orofino, ID. She survived some terrible times and kept a sense of humor.  She was a source of inspiration in so many ways.