As a ceramic artist for near 30 yrs, I’ve transformed stoneware and porcelain into 3D images from my mind. I have worked and experimented in the privacy of my own home studio and have been honored to show my work in galleries and shows across the US. In recent years I’ve shared my studio with private students and peers who love to relax and play with clay. It has been my favorite creative time so far.
Each piece of work in this show is hand built and one of a kind, fired in multiple firing processes. While creating every sculpture, my appreciation of life stories in nature, the human body, mind and spirit has grown. Sometimes the details and messages in the work are hidden, so it’s been fun to find the story below the clay surface, I hope you enjoy finding things too.
2023 has been the Chinese year of the rabbit which is full of luck and I have been incredibly fortunate. May 2024 bring more Peace and Joy in our beautiful world.

Thank you for coming.

Ginger Oakes/GoArt